Introduction to FI-CA

Contract Accounts Receivable and Payasble (FI-CA) enables subledger accounting for receivables and payables, typically in industries that require processing of huge volumes of business transactions and business partners. It also enables necessary capabilities to manage accounts receivable and payable (e.g., open item management and account balance display) along with capabilities like dunning and interest calculation.

FICA is a cross-application component used in utilities, telecom, insurance, public sector and other industries. This solution makes it simpler to manage the operations for the businesses with a very large consumer base and expected to grow, needs to make millions of postings each single day.

Why FI-CA over FI-CO:​

Key Features of SAP FI-CA:​


Financial Contract Accounting (FI-CA) is part of the SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Management (BRIM) solution. (image.png)

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The Order-to-Cash (O2C) process is covered by SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Management. The process starts in SAP S/4HANA for Customer Management and ends with the contract and order creation.

The Usage-To-Cash (U2C) process starts after the sales and fulfillment processes are completed. The main process steps are charging and rating (SAP Convergent Charging), followed by billable items management, billing and invoicing (SAP Convergent Invoicing). After invoicing, SAP Customer Financial Management ensures a consistent process flow, supporting, among other things, Contract Accounting, Collection Management and Revenue Management

SAP Fiori​

You want to ensure that your users have the best possible experience when interacting with SAP Business Suite. You want to ensure that users can access critical business applications on any device without compromises. Finally, you want to ensure that the solution integrates with your existing IT system landscape and can expand to cover your specific needs. You want to make sure that SAP Fiori meets these requirements.

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The SAP Fiori user experience paradigm consists of the following pillars:

Different types of Fiori apps (UI5):

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Typical Landing Page:

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Events in FI-CA​

You can use transaction FQEVENTS to maintain events and their function modules in FI-CA. You can use the function module FKK_FUNC_MODULE_DETERMINE to check the sequence:

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The technical name of the sample function module is formed from code FKK_SAMPLE* and the name (Number/ID) of the event. In the case of a sample function module defined at event 0010, the name would be FKK_SAMPLE_0010. If the Additional functions indicator is set, several industry-specific function modules and several customer-specific function modules can be processed. Along with events that are available to all industry components, additional industry-specific events also exist. You can recognize these from the encryption of the application area in the technical name.

From EventTo EventApplication00009999Application-IndependentM000M999MediaR000R999UtilitiesV000V999InsuranceP000P999Public SectorT000T999TelecommunicationX000X999Partner DevelopmentZ000Z999Customer DevelopmentS000S999Extended FI-CA

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Mass Processing in FI-CA​

Business processes, such as payment run or dunning run, in which large volumes of data are processed, are realized in FI-CA by using mass activities. Mass activities automatically split the dataset (such as a number of business partners or contract accounts) into multiple technical jobs and process them in parallel, at the same time.

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When processing data, the system automatically splits the dataset into multiple parallel jobs. The specifications for distributing the key for the parallel objects are saved in variants, which you must update periodically. For example, you can create a variant for business partners that splits the business partner set to be processed into ten equal intervals. During parallel processing, the system makes sure that the processes do not block each other due to changing accesses to the same database resources.

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